Page 53 - 256149_ArchDC_Winter 2021
P. 53

Views of the second floor
                                       central circulation space.

                       who have founded the school with an incredible   designed to be the heart of the building. Spending some
                       amount of blood, sweat, and tears. That type of passion   time there, you watch the life of the building flow in
                       is incredibly infectious and rewarding to work with.   and out of that space. It is so vital to the experience of
                       They often tend to be less experienced builders, so it   a Two Rivers middle schooler. The light monitor pours
                       becomes very important to make sure that you are clear   natural light into the center of the space. Students perch
                       about the design decisions being made and their long-  at a desk around the guardrail in a small group. At the
                       term impact. Each charter school is unique, and with   opposite side of the atrium, a teacher is having a one-
                       each charter school we work to adapt to meet    on-one with a student overlooking the tiered seating.
                       their needs.”                                   Classes come and go. It is just incredibly alive.”
                          Mutchler is particularly fond of the building’s
                       central stair with its tiered seating. That area “was

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