Page 52 - 256149_ArchDC_Winter 2021
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Views of the second floor central circulation space.
colored wall panels help punctuate the design of other community stair became a collection of all of the colors
interior spaces while signaling their uses. with views to each of the grades’ community spaces.
“The school was designed around a central This creates a dynamic layering of colors as you move
community space with each grade level being grouped throughout the building.”
together with a separate grade-level community space,” Designing a public charter school, Mutchler said,
Mutchler said. “The school leaders wanted the students is different in some ways from designing a DCPS
to have ownership of their portion of the building. We school. “Typically, the decision-making team for the
decided to emphasize this with color. The 6th grade [public charter] school is smaller than with a DCPS
area became green, 8th grade became blue, and the 7th school.” With a public charter school, “you are working
grade, a combination of yellow and orange. The central primarily with school leaders—often school leaders