Page 51 - 256149_ArchDC_Winter 2021
P. 51

Lobby and main staircase as seen from the second floor.

                          The elevated bridge helped reduce the size and   new building’s foundation was designed to avoid it.
                       cost of the new building by providing middle schoolers   The school’s leaders, meanwhile, wanted the building
                       with all-weather access to some learning spaces in the   to allow for future expansion, so it was designed with
                       older building, avoiding the need to build those spaces   additional load-bearing capacity for a potential third floor.
                       into the new building, and by permitting the two    Wide expanses of glass—including a large light
                       buildings to share some key infrastructure, including a   monitor located directly over the main circulation stair
                       kitchen and a nurse’s suite.                    and gathering space—provide substantial daylighting
                          A Pepco transformer room was located in the 1931   for the building’s crisp, bright interior. The building’s
                       building, and an underground duct bank running from   entry and central stairwell areas are energized by
                       that room passed under the future building’s footprint.   curving surfaces and, at the same time, made more
                       Test borings verified the duct bank’s location, and the   welcoming by blond wood walls and ceilings. Brightly

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