Page 37 - Winter_2018
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ArchDC Winter 2018.qxp_Winter 2018 11/27/18 9:36 AM Page 35
Offices before renovation.
connections among the offices, workstations, and other areas. The through a luminous, narrow atrium space to four conference
original build-out consisted of private offices for the attorneys rooms on the two floors above.
along the windowed perimeter, with workstations for support staff At the top of the stair, Gensler reworked an existing amenity
inboard. The private office partitions were solid, blocking light and space and adjacent roof deck. Again, the original versions were not
views while inhibiting interaction among staff members. Gensler so bad—they just weren’t up to the 2018 standards of a top-end
replaced the solid walls with glass, and replaced most of the open global law firm. Gensler viewed the amenity suite as an opportunity
office landscape with private or semi-enclosed workstations. The to connect the interiors to the specific locale. An exterior wall was
preponderance of glass partitions brings daylight and at least a opened to provide a fuller view of iconic Washington sights such
little sense of the outward view to almost all work areas. as the Old Post Office bell tower and the Washington Monument.
The main reception lobby was similarly dark and disconnected, At an inside wall opposite the new window wall is a large mural
with the solid wall of a conference room cutting off light and of an antique map of Washington.
views, and only elevators to connect to other floors. Gensler Crucially, from the awards competition perspective, all of this
expanded the reception and waiting area, extending it to the is executed crisply and expertly. The interior window systems are
window wall. There’s still a conference room, but it’s enclosed in finely detailed, flawlessly installed, and used in just the right
glass—remarkably open and clear due to notably thin mullions. places. The same can be said of the material palette of wood, white
Previously, access to additional meeting rooms on other floors marble, striated gray carpet, and glass. Even the acoustic tile ceil-
entailed an elevator ride. Now one can ascend a dramatic stair ing manages to look elegant.