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Media Center.

                          As a third structure on the campus, the new      Projects in Georgetown can face additional layers
                       building actually returns the site to an earlier   of review and approval, and that was the case here.
                       condition: The first school building on the site was the   “We went through the [Old] Georgetown Board, the
                       Curtis School, which was finished in 1875. The Addison   city—there were like five different commissions,”
                       building came next, followed by the Hyde building. In   Levinas said. “The involvement of the Georgetown
                       the early 20th century, the three buildings were merged   neighborhood was very intense. Through the process,
                       into one school administration known as Addison-  we were able to adapt, change, and accept all the
                       Curtis-Hyde. The Curtis building, however, was torn   comments and put it together. It’s something we
                       down in 1951. The demolition was a historical loss,   respect, and we try to comply, and to listen, and to
                       because the building was designed by the renowned   perform. It took time—it took a lot of time—but I think
                       architect Adolf Cluss. The new Shinberg.Levinas   that we have done it. Georgetown is now very pleased
                       building is thus filling a void—and forming a new    to have this building. Today, it is very well accepted
                       link in a chain of talented Washington architects.  by everybody.”

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