Page 76 - ArchDC_Winter2017
P. 76

ArchDC Winter 2017.qxp_Fall 2017  11/17/17  5:55 PM  Page 74

         Alley Armor as seen
         from the alley.

        The terrace dubbed Alley Armor.                                                          Photos © Paul Burk Photography

        Washingtonian Small Projects Award                      overlooking the deck. Privacy from the sides also needed to be
                                                                addressed, as well as sun control and air circulation to maintain
        Alley Armor                                             thermal comfort. Accordingly, on the alley side, slats provide visual
        Washington, DC                                          privacy but allow air flow and a little filtered light. Part of the deck
                                                                is roofed for sun control and visual privacy from the higher floors
        KUBE Architecture                                       of the apartment building. On the sides, metal mesh panels provide
                                                                a degree of privacy, while allowing air circulation. The structure is
        Steel Fabricator: Metal Specialties
                                                                solid and resilient—primarily steel, with some wood infill elements
        General Contractor: Milloy Carpentry
                                                                for warmth and a softer touch.
                                                                        For a relatively small project, there is a “robust palette of
        In some cases where alley buildings survived the purges of the
                                                                materials,” noted juror Appel. Indeed, the assembly includes several
        middle 20th century, subsequent owners added decks on top.
                                                                types of structural, self-weathering, and stainless steel; rot-resistant
        These provide outdoor living space in tight urban quarters, but
                                                                ipe wood; and metal mesh, all atop the pre-existing red brick
        often suffer from limited or awkward access. Such was the case for
                                                                garage. These are carefully—not decoratively, KUBE emphasizes—
        a garage behind a Dupont Circle row house, which was capped
                                                                deployed as “armor” against the surroundings, blocking views
        with a deck that was almost unusable. No aesthetic effort and little
                                                                in, framing views out, providing enough-but-not-too-much sun
        consideration of circumstance, it seemed, had gone into its cre-
                                                                or air movement.
        ation. Enclosing fences, although tall, didn’t deal effectively with
                                                                        Curiously, for the armor metaphor and for the architects’
        privacy or sun control issues, but cut off air circulation. Moreover,
                                                                insistence that a strict functionality guided the design process, from
        having been built of non-resilient materials, it was falling apart.
                                                                without, the deck enclosure comes off as a kind of architectural
                 KUBE Architecture PC was hired to craft an enclosure—which
                                                                parrot amid the pigeons, a charismatic and eye-catching departure
        came to be called “Alley Armor”—in response to the particular
                                                                from the utilitarian norm of the alley. “It will blend in over time,”
        challenges of the location. Most prominently, immediately across
                                                                predicted juror Masi, but for now, it is a focal element in all the
        the alley is a six-story apartment building, with lots of windows
                                                                right ways.
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