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ArchDC Summer 2019.qxp_Spring 2019 5/22/19 2:58 PM Page 47
View outward from the Officina restaurant, located in one of the new buildings at the Fish Market. Photo © Rey Lopez
essentially an underground wood deck covered with about eight been a recipe for hollow, sanitized kitsch. Yet the results are
feet of dirt. “If you hit anything hollow” while driving the piles, remarkably convincing. The latest rendition of the fish market
Bolino noted, “the grout would fall out and you’d have to start over.” looks modern and well composed, but it retains just enough of the
StudioMB conceived of the complex’s new buildings as lively, haphazard, even messy character that defined the site for
“cousins” bearing a familial resemblance while maintaining their centuries. It is a difficult balance to achieve.
individual character. Drawing aesthetic inspiration from the simple, That achievement is even more impressive given the broader
industrial steel structure of the Oyster Shed, the architects used technical challenges that the architects faced during the design and
charcoal-gray-painted metal columns, canopies, and window construction phases. Delicate agreements between the developers and
muntins in varied compositions to unify the complex. Steel-and- the longtime fish market vendors required that utility access, parking,
aluminum balconies and exterior stairs on several of the structures and the visibility of vendor barges to customers be maintained at
provide welcome protection from the elements, while evoking the all times. This ultimately entailed a complex sequencing plan in which,
historic architecture of New Orleans—an apt allusion, given the for example, electrical services were moved temporarily to the
strong association between that city and its own riverfront. operations structure that surrounds the highway pier, then perma-
Because the fish market complex is at the end of the District nently relocated to the distillery building once it was finished.
Wharf closest to the center of the city, the architects felt that it was Even more problematic was the fact that the project site is in a
important to create a sense of gateway. “We wanted to develop flood plain. Historic preservation authorities decreed early on that
markers that would define the precinct,” said Bagnoli. “We settled the historic structures could not be moved to a higher elevation, so
on a smokestack, murals, and a big marquee sign.” the design and construction team had to resort to a multi-faceted
The idea of incorporating a smokestack in a modern project in system of flood protection strategies. The historic building, for
DC, a city that never boasted much in the way of industry, might instance, can be protected when necessary by an AquaFence pop-up
seem like a stretch, but in fact there once was a prominent smoke- barrier system, which is tested once a year. Most of the newer
stack at (or very near) the current location. The new version, which structures are secured by a combination of flood walls and Presray
was built in sections and stacked on site, is adjacent to the distillery “FastLogs”—aluminum panels that can be slid into slots to seal
building and emblazoned with the slogan “Make rum not war” on doorways and windows. All concrete slabs had to be water-
one side, and the brand name “Thrashers Rum” on the other. proofed, and all penetrations for rebar, etc., had to be specially
Several of the individual businesses in the complex have added sealed to keep out water.
murals, and the operations building surrounding the highway pier Most visitors to the new fish market are unlikely to notice its
includes a large painted sign announcing the fish market. ecologically precarious setting, however, as they enjoy the abun-
StudioMB’s stated goal of re-creating the honky-tonk spirit of dant restaurants, bars, and outdoor seating that have already
the fish market while making it more sophisticated could have made this a locals’ hotspot.