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cast-off furniture and trash, were reclaimed as art
                                                                       and maker spaces.
                                                                           “Respecting the architecture was essential for
                                                                       us,” said Rankin. She noted that the large auditorium
                                                                       that had a central location in the historic building was
                                                                       poorly renovated as part of the 1960s makeover. A drop
                                                                       ceiling with unsightly ventilation diffusers obscured
                                                                       and extensively damaged the original plaster ceiling,
                                                                       and the finishes created a dark interior space. Her
                                                                       team removed the drop ceiling and carefully restored
                                                                       the plaster, re-created historic lighting fixtures, and
                                                                       refinished the woodwork and architectural detailing
                                                                       throughout. On the exterior, new but historically
                                                                       appropriate windows and thoroughly cleaned masonry
                                                                       have helped to return the historic building to its
                                                                       former grandeur.
                                                                           Eliot-Hine offers the prestigious International
                                                                       Baccalaureate (IB) program, a distinguishing element
                                                                       of the curriculum that became the central graphic
                                                                       theme in the modernized school. “The IB is a big part
                                                                       of the school’s identity,” said the architect. “They
                                                                       really wanted to build on that as a way of encouraging
                                                                       students’ global outlook and respect for different
                                                                       cultures, traditions, and the environment.” The
                                                                       design team created an integrated way-finding system

                                                                       Cafeteria before renovation.     Courtesy of Perkins
                                                                                                        Eastman Architects

                                                                     New cafeteria.        Photo © Jeff Allen—Turner Construction
                                          Photo © Jeff Allen—Turner Construction

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