Page 80 - ArchDC_Summer_2018
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ArchDC Summer 2018.qxp_Summer 2018 5/25/18 2:18 PM Page 78
A typical room in the Ward 6 Short-Term Family Housing facility.
In support of that argument, Burke cited a 2009 study in supportive facility in Charlotte, North Carolina, fell by $1.8 million
which “the average cost of housing and services for a resident at [a annually” after occupancy.
facility] in Seattle was $30,000 less per year than caring for a chron- “Architects can take the lead in sharing this story,” Burke said.
ically homeless individual without housing, and the savings “The city’s economy and population are expanding rapidly, largely
increased to $36,000 per year after 12 months in housing.” In at the expense of those who depend on affordable housing. There
another example, “the healthcare costs for residents of a permanent is abundant work still to be completed.”
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